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COVID-19 Resources

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

EOCCO Member and Provider information

Please find the following message and resources from Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization, of which GOBHI is affiliated.

EOCCO Members,

Oregon has started to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Since each state gets a limited supply, Oregon has set up different groups of people to organize who can get the vaccine first. People with the highest risk of getting COVID-19 are currently getting the vaccine right now.

We have put together information on our website that we want to share with you. This page will help you know when and where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine. Please visit: Check this page often as we may update information a few times a week. We will also update our home page banner to tell you which groups can get the vaccine.

Since it will take time to help everyone get the vaccine, please continue to wear your mask, practice social distancing, and stay home if you are sick.

EOCCO Providers:

Thank you for everything you do for our community. We realize there are many notifications regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, so we have consolidated information and resources on our website. As we continue to receive announcements from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), we will do our best to keep our Provider COVID-19 Vaccine Information page updated.

For details regarding the vaccine administration period, enrollment, billing, and reimbursement, please visit: This page also contains links to additional COVID-19 information from OHA. Please check back frequently as information may be updated multiple times a week.

If you would like to share COVID-19 vaccine information with EOCCO members, we have created a member FAQ page on our website as well. Please visit:


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