Virtual Summit | Wednesday, December 1, 2021 | 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time
EOCCO is committed to increasing awareness on the affordable housing situation in Eastern Oregon. In order to work toward increasing available affordable housing EOCCO is aware that the answers are complicated and often overwhelming. This means that it will take community efforts to identify unique ideas on how to improve/create affordable housing opportunities in Eastern Oregon. The goal of this summit is to gather insight and develop a plan for change.
Registration closes November 24.
Jeff Williams, Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living (EOCIL) Cultivate Transitional Housing project
Kenny LaPoint, Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) Sherman County Health Through Home Weatherization program
Karen Wheeler, GOBHI CEO
Anyone involved in building, managing, or helping others access affordable housing in Eastern Oregon
Community members interested in this topic
Welcome and Introductions
CEO message: How did EOCCO identify housing as a priority in CBHP?
SHARE Initiative Fund grantees Activity 1: Discussion of current programs and their effectiveness.
What are we (communities) doing well? Activity 2: Discussion of gaps.
Where are the gaps in services? Activity 3: Discussion of ideas to fill identified gaps.
How will we (communities) fill these gaps? Discuss results for each activity
Share known available funding. What funding sources are available?
Brainstorm ideas of how EOCCO can help prepare and support community-based organizations. How can EOCCO help prepare and support your organization? Closing