Update: This RFP solicitation is closed, in keeping with the Feb. 9, 2022 submission due date. Future updates about the contract award and the initiative process will be posted on gobhi.org.
Effective January 2022, Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Behavioral Health Public Education Strategy in Eastern Oregon.
GOBHI is seeking responses from qualified companies or individuals capable of implementing the public education strategy in partnership with GOBHI.
The full RFP document is posted here:
Proposals are due no later than Feb. 9, 2022.
Patrick Mulvihill - Communications Coordinator - pmulvihill@gobhi.org, 541-298-2101
Ari Basil-Wagner - Chief Operating Officer - awagner@gobhi.org, 541-298-2101
RFP updates:
For future updates and potential addendum, please visit this news post. Updates will be added to this post and marked with the date of each addition.